Friday, May 31, 2019

Argentina Essay -- essays research papers

I. INTRODUCTION Argentina lives in a democracy since 1986. Before thisyear lived it under a military regime. In the nineties under the presidency ofMenem the country experienced a great increase in the liberalization of quite a little.Argentina has a free market stinting system. Due to the recent privatizationprogram, the State now has a very limited role in the economy. According tothe Competitiveness Report of the World Economic gathering Argentina isclassified as one of the most open, least protectionist countries in the world.Its currency is convertible to the US dollars and there is total freedom formoving jacket crown internationally. Argentina has conducted one of the mostintensive privatization programs in the world. The telephone society,airlines, most railroads, electric power production companies (includinghydroelectric power plants), the Argentine oil company YPF (bought by theSpanish company Repsol) steel mills, ports, TV stations and most publicservices were transf erred recently to the private sector. Consistent withFundacion Invertir the combined value of privatized firms amounts more tomore than US$ 30 billions. Many foreign firms have participated in thislarge-scale privatization program. Foreign investors do not need to seek any bod of prior approval and are free to repatriate full amount of their capitaland earnings any time. Foreign and domestic companies are treated equally. beneath the law, they have access to all economic sectors and are eligible forincentive program and state procurement. II. TRADE PATTERN It is hardto state the type of trade that exists among Argentina and Brazil in theautomobile industry because both countries import and export cars of thesame brand and very similar representatives. Volkswagen puzzles some of itsmodel of cars in Argentina and some others model in Brazil. The reason forthis is to achieve economies of scale each country specializes in a certainmodel of car, by doing so they reduce the cost of ea ch additional unit.Another reason for specialization of production in each country is that it mightbe cheaper to produce a certain model in either Argentina or Brazil. Severalcompanies as Volkswagen have invested in production facilities in Mercosur.Additionally, joint ventures between local and foreign parts manufacturershave improved quality. A report on Argentina auto parts/services announcedthat loca... ...stment payments, and transfers.Argentina has primarily maintained a deficit position in trade in services, andhas historically paid out more investment income than it has received, keepingits finances on edge. Countries whose foreign direct investments keeps upwith its domestic growth can afford such disparities. Nevertheless Argentinasdeficit current account shows that the economy might be hurt even more bycapital flight. Thus the development of exports, especially nontraditional ones,is taking on greater urgency. In recent days exports of manufacturedproducts increased at respectable rates. "In 1995 industrial products grew 40percent while primary feather products and manufactured agricultural products eachgrew 29 percent. In 1996, exports of industrial products decreased 0.6percent, primary products grew 21 percent, and manufactured agriculturalproducts 13 percent. In 1997, exports of industrial products grew 27percent, and manufactured agricultural products 7 percent, however theprimary products decreased 2.4 percent. Imports of capital goods and partsare a major component of total imports, which are being used to increaseproductivity." (Fundacion Invertir)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Controversy Distorts Capital Punishment :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Controversy Distorts Capital penalty Is it just me, or have we become totally fixated with the issue of capital punishment? salve abortion, I cant think of a single issue with more passionate advocates on each side. Waiting for the controversy over capital punishment to be immovable is like waiting for Godot. What amazes me most about all of this passion and fervor is the fact that, on the grand scale of things, it really doesnt instal a cultivate of difference. Oh sure, it matters to the guy who gets the needle in his arm, and its an issue of concern to the families of his victims, but it doesnt really touch the rest of us one way or the former(a). Do proponents of the close penalty really think shoe bringrs last is a worse punishment than life in prison? Have you seen the state of our prison administration these old age? These places are so purgatorial that Dante should be taking notes. Id say that execution is a merciful and favorable alternative to being incarcer ated with this mlange of Darwins elite. any(prenominal) fairish person would quite be skewered to death by toothpicks. The interests of justice arent perverted just because a murderer spends 40 years dying of dysentery rather than get a shot of Liquid Plumber in his veins. Either way, the guys not going to be making the same mistake twice. On the other hand, opponents of the death penalty make it seem like all weve ever done is execute innocent grandmothers. Of course, there are probably a prodigious do of innocent people getting whacked each year by the state. But as I said before, the alternative to dying for something you didnt do is outlay the rest of your life as some 7-foot tall Neanderthals girlfriend. Critics of the death penalty often claim that its a racist system, evidenced by the fact that African-Americans make up 12 percent of the general population but 55 percent of death row inmates in Texas. But men however make up 48 percent of the population and they consist of 98.5 percent of the death row population. If were going to point out the prejudices of the system, sexism seems like a a great deal more plausible complaint. Ill admit that when you look at the numbers, it certainly looks like a racist system.Capital Punishment Essay Controversy Distorts Capital Punishment Argumentative Persuasive Topics Controversy Distorts Capital Punishment Is it just me, or have we become totally fixated with the issue of capital punishment? Save abortion, I cant think of a single issue with more passionate advocates on each side. Waiting for the controversy over capital punishment to be resolved is like waiting for Godot. What amazes me most about all of this passion and fervor is the fact that, on the grand scale of things, it really doesnt make a lick of difference. Oh sure, it matters to the guy who gets the needle in his arm, and its an issue of concern to the families of his victims, but it doesnt really touch the rest of us one way o r the other. Do proponents of the death penalty really think death is a worse punishment than life in prison? Have you seen the state of our prison system these days? These places are so purgatorial that Dante should be taking notes. Id say that execution is a merciful and favorable alternative to being incarcerated with this mlange of Darwins elite. Any sensible person would rather be skewered to death by toothpicks. The interests of justice arent perverted just because a murderer spends 40 years dying of dysentery rather than getting a shot of Liquid Plumber in his veins. Either way, the guys not going to be making the same mistake twice. On the other hand, opponents of the death penalty make it seem like all weve ever done is execute innocent grandmothers. Of course, there are probably a significant amount of innocent people getting whacked each year by the state. But as I said before, the alternative to dying for something you didnt do is spending the rest of your life as some 7-foot tall Neanderthals girlfriend. Critics of the death penalty often claim that its a racist system, evidenced by the fact that African-Americans make up 12 percent of the general population but 55 percent of death row inmates in Texas. But men only make up 48 percent of the population and they consist of 98.5 percent of the death row population. If were going to point out the prejudices of the system, sexism seems like a much more plausible complaint. Ill admit that when you look at the numbers, it certainly looks like a racist system.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Respect for Persons,Beneficence, and Justice :: Research Researching Privacy Essays

Respect for Persons,Beneficence, and Justice In July of 1974 The National Research Act was signed into law. Through this act, The Belmont Report was developed over 4 year finale of time that included an intense four day conference followed by monthly meetings until it was completed in April of 1979. The Belmont Report sets out to define the ethical principles and guidelines for the trade protection of benignant subjects of research. The report was established prior to Barney Clark and the artificial amount and therefore was the guidelines that the doctors and researchers had to follow. The report highlights three essential ethical elements that are pertinent in human research and their applications. It was the professional responsibility of the doctors and researchers involved to abide by previously established ethical guidelines.Respect for Persons Respect for the Persons as it relates to the Barney Clark case can be broken down into three important issues.Autonom y The doctors made the assumption that Barney Clark was a fully autonomous person at the time of the artificial heart experiment. In general it is not in doubt that Mr. Clark was an autonomous being, however his terminal condition could have affected his capacity with in the case. While he might have been autonomous in many areas of his life the issue that is relevant to the case was whether he possessed the capacity to make an informed consent.conscious Consent The nine basic rules4 for an informed consent are1. Identifying the appropriate decision maker2. Having the discussion at a time when the patient is not distracted or in great pain.3. Determine that the patient is communicating voluntarily4. Disclosea. Nature of the proposed interventionb. The purposec. The risks and consequencesd. The benefitse. The probability that the intervention would be successfulf. The feasible alternativesg. The prognosis is the intervention/therapy is not given5. Offer a recommendation6.

Brazil’s Bioethanol Initiative Essay -- Essays Papers

Brazils Bioethanol InitiativeThe OPEC oil embargo ca occasiond many ripple effects throughout the field, but few places set in motion a response as dramatic as the county of Brazil. Brazil, a sprawling oil-poor country in siemens America was hit especially hard by the drop in ready world oil supplies. The county was gearing up for the transition from an agricultural and subsistence economy, to an industrialize one in the early seventies. This was accompanied by an increase in oil imports to the nation from overseas. Early in this effort, the balance of trade was relatively wide-cut despite the oil imports due to a strong sugar market. This led to a relative abundance of foreign or hard capital for the Brazilian government to use to implement widespread changes to the countys infrastructure.With the advent of the oil embargo, that changed the economic picture. The blow was worsened by sugar prices plummeting on the commodities market during the homogeneous period, giving the Braz ilian economy a reeling combination. The Government reacted by instituting a relatively daring national policy, designed to deliver a two -pronged clear to the county. The plan was to use the national excess sugar production to work out ethanol for vehicle use. This program began in 1975 and was to use traditional fermentation to make fuel.Fermentation is the best known process by which various microbes break down sugars to make ethanol. While there a wide range of yeasts and bacteria that can make alcohol, the base substrate remains essentially the same. It requires either glucose or sucrose for the biologic pathways to function. This is arguably the earliest biotechnological process in the world and has been used for fuel, consumption and feedstocks for cent... ...ion of cellulose can be utilized to make substrate for fermentation, a technology that Brazil has invested in recently to make better use of its fibrous wastes from cane and other crops.Brazil has taken bold steps to self-sufficiency in the last three decades and has been a model often pointed to by the alternative energy community. I believe that they have plotted a courageous course and will be in the position to gain the fruits of their labors soon. maybe they can lead the rest of us by example.ReferencesAssessing the Impact of the Green Revolution, 1960-2000 Evenson, R.A. and Gollin D. May 2003, Science, vol.3Brazilian Biomass Processing Meetings (1998/99) Task 26 Biotechnology for the regeneration of Lignocellulosics to Ethanol, No 2 May 1998

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Freud And Marx :: Sigmund Freud Karl Marx compare Essays

Freud and MarxFreud and Marx it can be argued were both, as individuals, dissatisfiedwith their societies. Marx more plainly than Freud, merely Freud can also be seenas discontent in genuine aspects such as his cynical view of human nature. Eachwere great thinkers and philosophers, tho both seemed unhappy. Perhaps thesocial ills and trouble each perceived in the world about them were only thereflections of what each of the thinkers held within themselves. Each personobserves the very(prenominal) world, besides each of us interprets that information in adifferent way. They both saw the world as being injust or base. Each mumthe disfunctions in society as being caused by some aspect of human greed orother similar instinct. They did however, disagree on what the vehicle for theseinstincts corrupting influences are. Freud claimed that tension caused by thestuggle to repress anti-social instincts eventually was released and caused thesocial evils he observed. Marx also saw instinct s at work but not the tensionsand Id that Freud saw, Marx simply assign mans greed and the subsequentoppression of other men as the root to all that was wrong with civilization. Itis interesting to note that both Freud and Marx saw conflict but each traced itback to sources each was respectively educated in.Freud was a Psychoanalyst and his understanding of the mind was veryconflict oriented. He saw man as a kind of glorified animal who had the samedesires and needs as any other animal. The only true difference between thehuman-animal and other animals was that the human-animal have an intellect.Freud divided mans psyche into three parts, the Id, Ego, and SuperEgo. Whatdiffered the human-animal from any other animal was the SuperEgo, which arosefrom mans intellect. The Super-Ego as Freud theorised it is the values of onesparents internalised. He went further to then explain that unhappiness in sustenanceis caused by the conflict between the Id and the SuperEgo. As stated, all ofF rueds philosophy was very conflict oriented so it is not difficult tounderstand then how Freud apply this view macrocosmically to society as awhole.Freud addressed this in his essay, Civilization and Its Discontents.In it, Freud claimed that civilizations are developed through the channeling ofanti-social erotic and aggressive urges into constructive outlets. He wentfurther and explained that social ills are caused by those members of societywho are not satisfied with the substitutes supplied by the channelling of anti-social instincts into social creative energies. Such repression causes a certaintension which after awhile cannot be repressed and is released in socially

Freud And Marx :: Sigmund Freud Karl Marx compare Essays

Freud and MarxFreud and Marx it can be argued were both, as individuals, dissatisfiedwith their societies. Marx more plainly than Freud, but Freud can also be seenas discontent in certain aspects such as his cynical view of human nature. Eachwere great thinkers and philosophers, but both seemed unhappy. Perhaps thesocial ills and chafe each perceived in the world about them were only thereflections of what each of the thinkers held within themselves. Each personobserves the same world, but each of us interprets that discipline in adifferent way. They both saw the world as world injust or base. Each understoodthe disfunctions in society as being caused by some aspect of human greed or different similar instinct. They did however, disagree on what the vehicle for theseinstincts corrupting influences are. Freud claimed that tension caused by thestuggle to gag anti-social instincts eventually was released and caused thesocial evils he observed. Marx also saw instincts at work but not the tensionsand Id that Freud saw, Marx simply credited mans greed and the subsequentoppression of other men as the root to all that was wrong with civilization. Itis interesting to note that both Freud and Marx saw conflict but each traced itback to sources each was independently educated in.Freud was a Psychoanalyst and his understanding of the mind was veryconflict oriented. He saw man as a kind of glorified animal who had the samedesires and needs as both other animal. The only true difference between thehuman-animal and other animals was that the human-animal possessed an intellect.Freud divided mans psyche into three parts, the Id, Ego, and SuperEgo. Whatdiffered the human-animal from any other animal was the SuperEgo, which arosefrom mans intellect. The Super-Ego as Freud theorised it is the values of onesparents internalised. He went further to then explain that unhappiness in lifeis caused by the conflict between the Id and the SuperEgo. As stated, all ofFrueds philosoph y was very conflict oriented so it is not difficult tounderstand then how Freud applied this view macrocosmically to society as awhole.Freud addressed this in his essay, Civilization and Its Discontents.In it, Freud claimed that civilizations are developed through the channeling ofanti-social erotic and aggressive urges into constructive outlets. He wentfurther and explained that social ills are caused by those members of societywho are not satisfied with the substitutes supplied by the channelling of anti-social instincts into social creative energies. Such repression causes a certaintension which after awhile cannot be repressed and is released in socially